Outstanding Graduates 物理




丹尼·鲁宾23岁 has been an outstanding student in the Department of 物理 and Engineering, an accomplished athlete on the Men’s Cross Country and Track and Field teams, and an inspirational member of the Westmont community as a whole. Not only has he excelled in every aspect of our challenging physics curriculum, but his passion for learning has been infused throughout all of his academic pursuits.




吉列莱西 '22 是否有独特的能力将她的物理知识与她在文科环境中学习的其他领域相结合. Not only was she dedicated to learning physics extraordinarily well, but she was enthusiastic about connecting that knowledge to open-ended inquiry.  我们完全相信,莱西会成为那种在她所选择的研究领域做出持久贡献的知识分子,并将开发出新颖的方法,将这些见解应用于整个社会.


Christina Dubell & 洛根霍奇森

Christina Dubell '21 作为一名奥古斯丁学者来到韦斯特蒙德,她在很多方面为韦斯特蒙德做出了贡献. 她是一个工程/物理三门专业,以及两个音乐专业(学士和表演)。. 从她进入大学的那一刻起,她就被驱使着去完成每一个目标,既要掌握物理学的直觉和数学复杂性,又要掌握理解和制作美妙音乐的创造性和技术性工作. She is the model of the Christian liberal arts. 与Michael Everest共同完成物理化学专业重大荣誉课题“用EW-CRDS测量蛋白质吸附”.

洛根霍奇森 '21 作为一名奥古斯丁学者来到韦斯特蒙特大学,离开时将攻读工程/物理三重专业, Music and Math (easy majors all). A brilliant student in his classes, he has been an outstanding TA in several classes that students have come to depend on. 他将对物理的直觉理解与数学技巧结合起来,处理最困难的计算. 他在拉斯康布雷斯天文台做研究,分析CCD阵列中的热噪声,并开发跟踪小行星轨道的软件. He’s a talented cellist who is loved by all who know him.



A National Merit semifinalist, 卢克·迈尔斯20岁 came to Westmont as an Augustinian Scholar. He graduated in physics after just three years. Besides excelling in all out classes, he’s done reSearch at Las Cumbres Observatory doing instrumental analysis. His supervisor raved about his work. He is well rounded, having worked with foster kids at Royal Family Kids Camp, worked with Academic computing, gone on Potter’s Clay and played on the Ultimate Frisbee and water polo club teams. He is outwardly focused with a caring heart. He is the student that a decade from now you brag about having taught him.



露易丝·瑙曼 '19, an Augustinian Scholar, 高中毕业后,他以86个大学学分的成绩来到韦斯特蒙特大学,当时他是一名微积分助教, statistics and AP 物理. 她还在加州大学圣巴巴拉分校的安进生物技术研究中心做了一年的研究. Her first semester at Westmont, she took senior quantum mechanics, earning the top grade in the class on the final. 她在三个学期内完成了物理专业的学习,是韦斯特蒙特大学田径队的撑杆跳运动员. In the summer of 2018, she conducted reSearch at Harvard Medical School, 利用3D打印机设计和制造辐射传感器阵列,为转移性脑肿瘤的放射治疗提供质量保证. “事实上,转移性脑瘤是治疗费用最高的癌症之一,”她说. “这些传感器阵列的原型设计有助于我们研究质量保证的替代方法, lowering the cost of this type of treatment. 我在波士顿的那段时间里,最有影响力的部分是在医院里测试我们的传感器,那里整天都有病人在接受治疗. We would come in the evenings, after the treatments had been administered for the day, and conduct reSearch in hope of improving that treatment for future patients.

“When I wasn’t conducting reSearch, I enjoyed being in the culturally diverse and historically rich city of Boston.她已经被加州大学洛杉矶分校的医学物理博士课程录取,并希望继续在癌症研究领域工作.



蒂姆·贝克18岁, a cellist who won first place ($5,在4月份的表演艺术奖学金决赛中获得器乐荣誉, epitomizes a liberal arts graduate. 去年夏天,他与物理学教授乔纳森·米切尔(Jonathan Mitchell)一起研究大气流体动力学. “我们使用计算模型来检查赤道附近某些大气振荡(波)的影响,他说. 他还利用韦斯特蒙特天文台对变星和最近的彗星分裂进行了测量. “I’m working with Professor Michael Sommermann in the field of astrodynamics, 研究通往火星的航天器轨迹,以及创建精确模型所需的数值技术.蒂姆和另外两位韦斯特蒙特的音乐家将在今年夏天的俄亥俄州安可室内乐节上表演. “I love working hard with a small group of friends towards a common goal,他说. “A great example of this is chamber music, which has proven to be a consistent highlight of my time at Westmont. 蒂姆, who also participated on the Westmont in Istanbul program, is applying to graduate schools to study artificial intelligence. “It sits at the focal point of many of my interests, including math and physics, 哲学, psychology and creativity,他说.



韩忠'17 is a quiet and really bright student. 转到我们的项目后,他同时选修了高级和低级课程, (including modern physics and quantum mechanics). He’s graded and TA’d for us and became significantly involved in reSearch with Dr. 西村. 他为这项研究做了重要的软件工作,包括重写解吸数据的Matlab软件代码,使分析数据变得更加容易. He developed excel macros for mass spectral data enhancing data analysis. 最后, 他提出了一种Excel数据库方法,可以观察数据的趋势,从而发表他们的数据. 韩是一个典型的团队合作者,有一颗仆人的心,和他一起工作很愉快. 



艾瑞亚·哈曼,16岁 她的物理和艺术双专业体现了她的科学才华和艺术气质. A Monroe Scholar, Aria has been incredibly accomplished in her time at Westmont. She was one of roughly 20 American Physical Society Minority Scholars nationwide. 作为美国国家科学基金会REU项目的一部分,她在哈佛大学做暑期研究. She also did nuclear physics reSearch with Dr. Rogers here at Westmont and at Michigan State. 在接下来的一年里,她获得了富布赖特奖学金,前往荷兰代尔夫特大学从事研究工作. This means she will defer her acceptance to the Harvard Applied 物理 PhD program.


保罗·温茨,16岁 他在大三的时候转学到韦斯特蒙特,并对物理系和学院产生了深远的影响. He’s been a popular TA in the department, 他还是管弦乐队中杰出的小提琴手,也是韦斯特蒙特非卖品反人口贩卖俱乐部的主席. He is minoring in music in addition to his engineering/physics major. Dr. Sommermann, teacher of Paul’s computational physics course, 保罗说,他目前正在应用数值方法来求解偏微分方程,以模拟弯曲小提琴弦的运动, and using a Fourier analysis to show the resulting harmonic spectrum of the wave. 即将到来的一年, 保罗计划申请斯坦福大学计算与数学工程学院.



While we love all our students, we especially appreciate and honor those who combine brilliance, 努力工作, 有一颗善良、富有同情心的心,有一颗优秀的品质,就像我们今年的毕业生一样 纳撒尼尔·泰勒 '15. 我出生在以我为荣的父母吉姆·泰勒和詹妮弗·泰勒的家庭,是韦斯特蒙特ag娱乐官网的一员, Nathaniel has made a deep impression of his own as an outstanding math and physics major. He has been an insightful and sought-after TA for several of our courses. He has also done significant reSearch with Dr. 这将很快导致纳撒尼尔与他人合作发表一篇论文. 他计划从事软件开发方面的工作,或者在喷气推进实验室工作.